Recent submissions

We would like to take a moment to thank the writers that have submitted already, and to remind anyone wishing to submit that the deadline of the 30th of March is closing in.

Below are two small quotes from the stories submitted so far.

A man had come to the door, apologised and noted her son’s bravery in the face of conflict.

No more promises.

No more letters.”

Alice Dempsey

“So we dug a trench in the cold mud with a stick, pushed the conkers in with our fingers and threw dirt over them when we were done.

Granddad buried the bent penny with them.

“So when it’s spring they’ll remember you,” he said.”

From ‘Mudflowers’ by Tim Stevenson – Previously published as
Pushing Upwards’ in ‘The Book Of Small Changes

“I have to remind myself of the apple blossom tree at home to remind me that there are scents that hold beauty and innocence in the world when to me right now the world is just death and decay.”

Lauren Hare